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Thursday, 5 December 2013

2 am

2 am knows all my secrets, all my lies and all my fears.
Its filled with darkness that drowns me in the most pleasant way,
And demons that haunt me in my lonely tears.

The morning that is also night, hides its face in the shadows,
The shadows that live between the cracks and crevices of my walls,
Shadows that are more alive than the arrows
Piercing through me, ending lives and wars.

My thoughts consume me in the dead of the night.
The calm silence surrounding my still body grows icy cold,
My insecure heart is torn between hiding and taking flight.

All my walls come crashing down, in a dust cloud of surrender,
As your voice rings out through the dark,
I can feel it there, a tiny flicker, a quick glimmer of a spark,
It illuminates the fog and chases the monsters away.
It helps me remember that through every dark night,
I will be received by an even brighter day.

You are my medicine,
My antidepressant,
You are everything I need,
Because 2 am is my own reflection.

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